Safety Tips

Peoples Gas' first priority is always the safety of its customers, the general public and our team members. When used properly, natural gas is proven to be one of the safest and most reliable forms of energy available. However, as with all forms of energy, improper or careless use of natural gas may cause property damage or personal injury.

There are many simple steps you can take to help stay safe. Please take time to review these safety tips and share them with members of your household.



Safety Tips

Want more safety tips? Peoples Gas is a proud partner of the American Red Cross. Learn more ways to keep your home and family safe and prevent fires.


For years of safe, economical service, follow these simple tips:

  • Purchase appliances approved to meet national safety standards
  • Have your gas appliances installed and maintained by a qualified service provider
  • Follow the manufacturer's operation instructions and use appliances only for their intended purpose
  • Keep papers, clothing, curtains and other combustibles away from open flames
  • Make sure the gas flame in your appliance burns bright blue, not a dull yellow-orange
  • Never use an appliance that is operating improperly
  • Have at least one approved fire extinguisher in your home
  • Consider using a monitor in your home for carbon monoxide (CO), a poisonous gas

Home Heating

Natural gas heating equipment requires an adequate air supply to operate properly, such as a slightly opened window or door. Without proper ventilation, your heater may produce carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas. To ensure safe operation, follow these simple steps:

  • Make sure your gas heating equipment has proper ventilation
  • Turn off your heater, open windows or evacuate your home if you ever smell fumes, your eyes sting, or you become dizzy or nauseated while your heater is on
  • Never operate an unvented space heater if the ceramic radiants are broken or out of place
  • Never use unvented space heaters in bathrooms, bedrooms or other enclosed rooms
  • Never operate heating equipment if you are unsure of its condition or if vents are compromised or obstructed
  • Have your gas heating system checked by a professional every year before cold weather arrives
  • Never tamper with your pilot light. If it won't stay lit or is difficult to operate, have it professionally serviced

Hot Water

To ensure hot water safety, always follow these easy tips:

  • Make sure your water heater temperature is set to the manufacturer's recommendation found in your owner's manual
  • If you don't have an owner's manual, the Department of Energy recommends having your tank-based water heater set to 120 degrees

Flammable Liquids

When working around or using flammable liquids, it's important to follow these simple safety tips:

  • Never keep or use flammable liquids like gasoline indoors*
  • Always store gasoline and flammable liquids in an approved container
  • Keep flammable liquids a safe distance away from children, your home and other hazards
  • Never use gasoline as a solvent or cleaner
  • Do not fill gasoline containers to the top; instead, allow room for vapor expansion
  • Talk to your children about the dangers of flammable liquid products

*There's inherent danger when storing flammable liquids near natural gas appliances such as water heaters. That's because in some cases, the flame on the water heater is capable of igniting vapor from gas containers stored nearby.

Remember, call (877) 832-6747 if you smell gas.
