To keep the natural gas system properly pressurized, we will not preemptively turn off gas. Natural gas will continue to flow. Leave your gas meter on, even in the event of evacuation.
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Make an instant one-time payment online by digital wallet or with a credit or debit card, or by calling toll-free 866-689-6469. A convenience fee applies.
Make a free one-time, secure payment instantly through your bank account.
Use your bank's online payment service to make payments on your account.
Enroll in our free Auto Pay program to submit automatic monthly payments directly from your checking or savings account. No checks to write. No worries.
Pay in person at one of the many nationwide payment locations offered through our payment partner. Convenience fees apply.
Mail your payment via check or money order.
If circumstances make it impossible to pay your natural gas bill by the date due, Peoples Gas will discuss the possibility of granting a payment extension.
Business customers impacted by COVID-19 can get help from a list of federal and local resources that are available now.
Assistance to nonprofit agencies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic for facility, operational and working capital costs.