Getting Your Yard and Property Storm Safe

Hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms and floods are just some of the severe weather conditions that can affect Floridians during storm season, which runs June 1 through November 30.

While serious weather conditions can’t be prevented, solid preparation can help. Peoples Gas works year-round to be sure we’re ready for all types of severe weather. We’re committed to the safety of our pipelines and our people, and we want you to be prepared, too.

One way to prep for severe weather is keeping the area around your home free of debris and the trees and shrubs trimmed. This helps to avoid damage and injury when severe weather rolls in.

If your yard is damaged from fallen trees, remember to call 8-1-1 and have underground utilities marked for free before you dig up tree roots. They’re often growing near natural gas pipes or other buried utility lines. Calling two business days before digging gives utilities enough time to mark the area with flags or paint, making it easier to dig safely.

A few ways to keep your yard storm safe include:

  • Put away loose objects like shovels that could be blown by intense wind and cause injury to people or property during a storm.
  • Inspect the health of trees near your home and remove branches that could break – another possible cause of injury or property damage.
  • Clean gutters to be free of debris so storm water can flow properly.
  • Turn off sprinklers before a storm. Storms bring wind and rain that can loosen tree roots if the ground is overly saturated.

Have a personal storm plan in place for your home or business. Leave extra time to assemble storm kits and pay extra attention to any additional supplies needed. 

Visit for more tips and restoration information.  
